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 abdominal massage detox organs energy

Chi Nei Tsang, a branch of Taoist medicine

What is Chi nei Tsang?


Chi Nei Tsang, a branch of Taoist medicine, was introduced to the West by the Taoist Master Mantak Chia. It is a method for releasing the toxic winds of emotional energy, which can be either the cause or effect of sickness.


Chi Nei Tsang literally means “working the energy of the internal organs “ or “Internal organs Chi transformation “. CNT uses all the principles of Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan known as Chi Kung therefore , CNT is a form of “applied Chi Kung.


The Taoist sages of ancient China observed that humans often develop energy blockages in their internal organs that result in knots and tangles in their abdomens. These obstructions occur at the center of the body’s vital functions and constrict the flow of Chi (energy), our life-force. The negative emotions of fear, anger, anxiety, depression, and worry cause the most damage. Problems can also be caused by overwork, stress, accidents, surgery, drugs, toxins, poor food, and bad posture, If the negative emotions can’t find an outlet, they fester in the organs or move into the abdomen, the body’s “garbage dump.” The abdomen can process some emotional garbage, but more often it can’t keep up with the flow. The energetic center of the body located at the navel becomes congested and cut off from the rest of the body.

Fig. 1 Negative energy cycle leads to knots and tangles in the abdomen.

How Chi nei Tsang works

The Taoists discovered that most maladies could be healed once the underlying toxins and negative forces were released from the body. They developed the art of Chi Nei Tsang to recycle and transform negative energies that obstruct the internal organs and cause knots in the abdomen. Chi Nei Tsang clears out the toxins, bad emotions, and excessive heat or heat deficiencies-that cause the organs to dysfunction.


CNT practitioners work mainly on the abdomen with deep, soft and gentle touches, to train internal organs to work more efficiently. Unprocessed emotional charges are also addressed in this manner, as well as all the body systems: digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, urinary, reproductive , muscular-skeletal, and the acupuncture meridian system (Chi).



Here are ways in which unblocking stagnant chi through CNT massage benefits the body:


  • It increases immunity by clearing the lymphatic drainage system.

  • Improved digestion and circulation aids in clearing the body of toxins.

  • The direct massage applied to specific points in the abdominal area and torso induces the organs to perform better.

  • The use of CNT massage awakens you to your emotions. It encourages you to process emotions and recognise how to better deal with so it doesn’t manifest into physical ailments.

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